What are your goals? Do you want to lose weight? Get stronger? Be healthier? Or maybe you just want to feel better about yourself? Setting fitness goals is a great way to get motivated and stay focused on your fitness routine, and it's also helpful to have a game plan. But if you're not sure where to begin, here are some steps to take that will help you figure out what your goals should be.

Set realistic fitness goals. When setting goals, make sure they are achievable. Aiming to walk for 30 minutes a day won't do much for you if you only walk for 15 minutes at a time. Setting unrealistic goals may not only derail your progress, but may cause you to sabotage your efforts and stop

How to set SMART fitness goals 

If you set the wrong kind of goals, you could end up limiting your progress and not reaching your full potential. It's important to keep your goals SMART, which means: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.

In order to become more fit, you need to work on improving three different components: Strength, Stamina and Technique. The SMART framework helps you create more realistic, achievable goals by breaking down the goal into five parts: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Be specific  —  clearly define your goal

The goal I want to get fit is too broad. I could be going for a run, a jog, or a marathon. I need to be more specific. If I want to lose weight, then I need to be able to tell my doctor what my goal is. I need to be able to tell my doctor what my weight should be, and what my BMI should be. My goal needs to be specific.

Here is an example: "I want to be fit because I want to live a healthy lifestyle." This goal is too broad and doesn't provide you with a clear path to success.

A goal is a focused desire, an aim, a dream, or a plan to achieve something. It is a target that you can strive towards. The word goal comes from the old French word "goûter" meaning "to taste". The goal is the reward at the end of the journey.

Make your goals measurable

A common mistake is to set goals that are so far out of reach that you never even get started. This is the kind of thing that will keep you from ever reaching your goal!

There are several ways to track your progress. The most common is to count how many you can do. Another way to track your progress is to record how many you can do in a certain amount of time.

You could also keep a journal of how many you've been able to do. Tracking your progress can help motivate you to continue improving your fitness.

Your goals need to be achievable

I have set myself an ambitious goal of running a marathon by the age of 40. I know it's unrealistic, but I want to see if I can do it. I want to run 26 miles, which is about a marathon, but I am realistic enough to know that I can't run a marathon in two weeks.

By breaking down your bigger goal into smaller, more achievable goals, you give yourself the opportunity to set yourself up for success. This is a great way to get you motivated and keep you focused on what you want to achieve.

Goals should be time-specific

My goal is to lose 100 lbs by the end of 2023. I have set a goal for myself to lose weight and I want to accomplish it by the end of the year. I'm setting a timeline for myself and I want to make sure that I have a plan in place to get there. I've written down all the things that I need to do and I am tracking my progress every day.

You know how people say that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail? Well, I have a different take on that saying. If you don't set a goal and a timeline, it's not going to happen. I know this sounds cliche, but it's true. If you want to lose weight, for example, you have to set a goal and a timeline.


If you want to lose weight in a short period of time, you'll need to consume fewer calories than you burn. If you want to become a marathon runner, you're going to have to work very hard for years before you see any kind of result. And if you want to learn how to paint, you'll have to practice every day for a long time before you feel confident enough to put your paintings up for display.

There is no exact number of weeks or months you need to train to see results. Your body is unique, so each person will have a different time frame for recovery, training, and progress. I would recommend at least 4-6 months of consistent training and 6-8 weeks of hard training before you start to notice results.

You may need to adjust your goals as you progress. It is not a good idea to set an unrealistic goal, but rather a realistic one. For example, if you have been wanting to lose weight for years but have never made any changes, it is probably time to make some adjustments.

If you set yourself up for failure, you will never achieve anything. If you set yourself up for success, you will be disappointed. In my program, I teach you how to set attainable goals that will lead to success.

Tips for holding yourself accountable

If you want to achieve anything, you need to be accountable for your actions. Whether you are working on a painting, cleaning up your messy studio, or learning a new skill, you need to hold yourself accountable. When you set a goal, you must set an action plan in order to complete it.

Accountability is simply the process of measuring your progress against your plan. For example, if you have a goal of painting every day, then you should measure your progress by painting every day.

The secret to this is simple: accountability. If you have someone to keep you on track, you'll be more likely to achieve your goals.

Daily checklist

A daily checklist will help you to stay on track. It's important to stay focused and keep moving forward. A daily checklist will help you stay on track.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

There's no quick fix for fitness, but it's not a hard journey either. It's a slow and steady process that requires dedication, patience and time.

That's why it's important to understand that you can't force yourself to achieve something that you want. Your body has to grow and evolve with time.

In order to achieve the results you want, you need to put in the time and effort.

Be with Like-minded People

Many people have a negative perception of the gym. They feel intimidated by the equipment, they are concerned about what others will think if they see them working out, or they think they are not good enough to exercise at the gym. However, many of us spend most of our time at home. When we are alone, we don’t have to worry about what others think.

If you want to become a healthy person, you need to take care of yourself, your health, and your body. If you are working out to improve your body, you will also want to eat healthy food. You will need to make sure that you do not eat too much or too little. You will also want to drink enough water. Your body needs to stay hydrated so that it can function properly. If you are exercising, you will also need to get plenty of rest.