How to Keep Your Skin Healthy During Cold Weather | Latest Guide 2022

How to Keep Your Skin Healthy During Cold Weather | Latest Guide 2022

The weather outside is getting cold, but did you know that cold weather can affect your skin?

In fact, many people suffer from dry skin in the winter months due to the cold climate.

If you're experiencing dry skin or just want to improve your skin's health, here are some tips on what you can do to keep your skin feeling healthy and hydrated during the colder seasons.

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The first step to winter skin care is cleansing. I recommend using a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid.

A cleanser containing a high concentration of salicylic acid will not only remove dirt but will reduce the visible appearance of pores.

In addition to a cleanser, you'll also want to exfoliate. You remove dead cells and dirt from your pores when you exfoliate.

Exfoliation will help the cleansing process as your skin will no longer have to work as hard to remove dirt and oil.

A great option for an exfoliator is a chemical exfoliant that includes salicylic acid. It will help fade acne scars and break up your dead cells, leaving your skin healthy and bright.

Wash face

While washing your face is very important then other body parts. Choose a soap that is mild and will remove dirt and bacteria. 

When choosing a gentle cleanser, look for ingredients that remove dirt and oil.

Look for a product with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and/or triclosan, which can leave your skin red and irritated.

After washing your face, don't forget your neck! A gentle cleanser will remove all dirt, oil, and bacteria from your neck.

The final step of winter skin care is using a moisturizer. A lightweight moisturizer will leave your skin hydrated and smooth.

Choose a moisturizer that is made with a vitamin C complex. It will help to brighten your skin.


After cleansing, moisturizing your skin is important. This is the second step in winter skin care.

It's essential to choose a moisturizer that fits your skin type. For oily skin, choose a lightweight moisturizer that won't clog your pores.

Oily skins also benefit from a hydrating serum, which will lock moisture into your skin.

The final step to winter skin care is washing your face. Washing your face with cold water will leave your skin clean and clear, but you'll also want to use a gentle cleanser.

Choose something mild that will prevent your skin from drying out. To wash your face, use a gentle cleanser, and wash your face for 3 minutes. Then, pat dry with a soft towel.

winter tips: 06 Best Home Remedies For Dry Hands And Feet

Protect against sun

The summer months are great for getting out and enjoying time with friends, but not everyone can handle a scorching Florida beach or the long days at the pool. You must prepare your skin for the winter weather using an SPF lotion.

It's important to remember that no sunscreen is completely waterproof. It is still possible for sunscreen to dry out your skin, causing you to end up with dry patches.

To combat this, follow these tips to ensure your skin gets enough protection during winter. Use an SPF 15 or higher. Using a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher will offer better coverage than one with an SPF of 10, according to the Mayo Clinic.

If you have dark skin, it's important to look for a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Make sure to reapply your sunscreen regularly. The majority of sunscreens come with a label indicating the amount of time you should reapply your sunscreen.

Most experts recommend applying sunscreen every two hours during outdoor activities. Reapply your sunscreen as soon as you return home.

Once you get inside, you're exposed to humidity, which can wash away some of the sunscreen's protective properties. Make sure to apply your sunscreen again once you've gotten back home.

Use waterproof makeup. The makeup you wear while outside may not be waterproof, so use makeup that has water-resistant formulas to protect your skin from the elements.

When buying makeup, make sure it has a "waterproof" seal to avoid a run-off.

Use a powder to keep your makeup from transferring. If you wear foundation, use a powder to keep the product from transferring onto your face or hands.

Be sure to use a matte foundation. Foundation will cause your skin to feel tight after you've applied it. If you're spending a lot of time outdoors, it's worth it to wear a liquid or loose powder instead of a foundation to prevent your skin from feeling tight.

Avoid makeup

Whether you're planning to spend the day at the beach or out having fun with friends, protect your skin against the elements.

You don't have to be a beauty guru to use these tips to ensure you have a glowing complexion throughout the winter.

If you plan on wearing makeup while outside, follow these tips to ensure your makeup is safe and keeps your skin protected.

Keep makeup wipes with you to remove makeup before you go into the water. Makeup wipes will help you remove all traces of makeup from your face before swimming or diving.

Make sure to wash your makeup off well after swimming or diving. As you swim and dive, chemicals in the water can leave behind toxic residue on your skin. When you get home, use a gentle cleanser to rinse away the remnants of makeup.

Use waterproof mascara to keep your lashes looking beautiful. While the temperature may drop, your mascara won't be able to shield your lashes from harsh elements like rain and sleet.

Protect against wind and cold

If you plan on staying inside to enjoy the holidays with your family, it's important to ensure you're prepared for the weather.

To keep your hair looking smooth and tangle-free, use a heat-protectant spray before you go to bed. This will keep your hair moisturized without weighing it down.

Use a comb when blowing out your hair. Instead of using a blow dryer, try blowing your hair out using a comb.

This will prevent frizz, keep your hair tangle-free, and allow you to style it without losing your natural curls.

Don't leave your house without a hat. When you go outside, you want to cover your head and neck. There are many different types of hats you can choose from.

Choose the right hat for the environment. Depending on the hat you're wearing, you might not want to wear one made out.

Protect your lips

I know winter weather brings out the worst in people's skin. The cold weather, short days, and dry air can all contribute to chapped and cracked lips.

You must create a winter skincare routine to protect your lips from the elements.

Growing up in Maine, we always had a warm house when the temperature dropped below freezing.

We never had to worry about cold, windy weather causing our lips to crack and peel because there was always something to keep them hydrated and moisturized.

The same is true for you. As long as you take care of your lips, the cold weather won't break them down and cause them to dry and crack.

Here are my top tips for protecting your lips:

- Wash them with a gentle cleanser before applying lip balm. Make sure to apply the product generously, so it goes on both wet and dry. If you only use the balm when it's cold outside, your lips will dry out quicker, and more severe cracks and peels can result.

- Use an SPF sunscreen whenever you venture outside. The colder the temperature, the stronger the UV rays. Apply a generous layer of SPF every morning to help protect your lips from the sun's damaging rays.

- Always moisturize your lips before going to bed. After a long day of walking around and working in a cold office, your lips may be drier than they usually are at night. Use a rich moisturizer to help them retain their natural moisture.

- Stay out of the sun. You don't want to be caught in a blizzard with nothing to protect your lips.

- Minimize your exposure to wind and cold. Use scarves and a hat to keep your lips warm during those long walks to the train station and to work.

- Don't smoke. Smoking puts your lips at risk of cracking and peeling due to the damage caused by secondhand smoke.

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Even though you may not want to be outside in cold weather, you can still enjoy being outdoors and take advantage of nature without worrying about the wind chapping and cracking your lips. Cover your mouth with a scarf and wear a hat to keep wind and cold from causing chapped lips when it's cold out.

It is always important to care for our skin, especially during the winter season. These 10 tips for winter skin care will make your winter look and feel great.

You can ask us in the comments section if you have any queries or suggestions.